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I made a different version of it the last couple of days. Ordered some shirts with the design for the Eurofurence... Let's see of the sell well.
I am so through with it... had a couple of mental breakdowns due to trouble with the design and printing it... was quiet a journey... If anyone knows a way to vectorize without loosing all the detail, let me know. Feeling exhausted... BUT atm I am on a release party of Toukana's Game "Dorfromantik" and trying to relax a lil... It's been a while since I saw some people due to my boyfriend covid infection and quaranteen u.u
I wish you guys a lovely weekend and love ya guys n gurls! ✨




Want his banana


This design looks fantastic! 😍


*Canadian penguin waves money.* I wanna buy it!


It still looks great and hope we can buy it here in the USA soon. And by all means relax over the weekend.


You can run it through the respective function in Adobe Illustrator but the resulting file will be huge. I can do a test run with this image and tell you if it's worth your time.


Yes, it does work. Mode: B&W, Threshold: 128, Paths: 100%, Corners: 100%, Noise: 1px, turn off Snap Curves To Lines. Leave everything else to default. If you do not have Illustrator, I can convert it for you.




THIS! Torbjorn, you are a lifesaver! I did the exact thing. Found the advanced settings, but what I did was B/W Threshold: 90, 100, 0, 1px (I had one value less, probably due to my old Illustrator Version). But it looked okayish. Definatly have to see how to improve the result for mass production though, if this will be a thing in the future. BUT MY MAN, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! huggles you tight