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I am thinking about doing a more on the story side comic book of Glas and how he became an Orc, what he struggles with and show off his abilities and disadvantages. 

I am doing some research, mind maps, ideation exercises and planning lately... It's by no means a fleshed out story yet, BUT I WANNA KNOW:

WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN A STORY DRIVEN COMIC in the future, with things like a story arc, chapters and all that elaborate stuff? Of course it will be kinky as well but more focused on storytelling, drama, comedy and some action bits, something along those lines... So let me know if this is something you would like to see from me. BEWARE this would be a major Project so it will of course take time. So if you enjoy lose bits and pieces like I did previously just let me know...

Use the comment section for your thoughts <3

Thank you for your participation



I’d absolutely love this :D a whole comic about a character of yours would be awesome to see


Loose bits is perfect! That means more progress and content. Sometimes I don’t understand that you do a comic on one go instead of a page per week or so :p This is a great idee 💙


If I'm honest I do prefer how you currently do things but I don't think I'd dislike this change if you do bring it about. As long as it's still your art and your mind that I enjoy seeing so much, I know it'll be good.