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  • EagerToServeFinalRender0001-0300.mp4



So I made my very first full-body-sculpt in Blender and the kind "SexyResins" over on Etsy is printing, painting, selling and shipping these lil slaves for you guys <3

I wanna test out how far I can go with sculpting in Blender and since I never done a full body before I thought I might test stuff... 

I bought a Hercules figurine recently from SexyResins over on Etsy and we talked a bit.... so he offered me to collab on something and I ended up challenging myself to sculpt some more. 

In the following pics you can check out my progress a bit (sorry for the ppor quality.... should have taken screenshots instead of pics with my smartphone irgh) anyways.... attached to this post you can find a full res turn around as a MPEG File, if you wanna check it our further more

Only 30 pieces available:


If this one sells well I will do more sculpts in the future. Dreaming of an over sized Glas Figurine *melts*

I really hope you guys enjoy this sculpt even though it'd not what I normaly do... I have the fear of ruining Glas if I make him a 3D model (which is why I started with Silber instead of Glas) But the more I do the more confident I grow.... So I definatly will tackel Glas and other more my style stuff in the future <3

But first I get to finish my Monster Event ;) 

Looking forward to it!




Holy heck you've grown in your 3d skills!

David Po

That looks incredible!


Wicked! That's amazing work!

KC Giant

Amazing! Do you have any blender tutorials you'd recommend?