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Hey my sweet party people, I wanna give a quick summary of the last week.

Eurofurence is over and I must say I am very pleased with the con this year.

I had a lil exhibit and shop at the After Dark Dealers Den which was nice. I haven't made huge sales which was a lil disappointing but on the other hand side I got something way more valuable... I met some Patrons and Fans of mine. I was and still am so freaking flattered. 

This was way cooler then anything else at the con... Talking to some of you in real live really showed me why I am actualy doing this. You must know... lately I was going through a lil art depression... with the problems I faced a few month ago with the desasterouse fetish con I had, doing the mispurchase of my wacome, facing taxes that will probably haunt me in a few weeks, my back pain and seeing patrons stop pledging due to the lag of posts I do while working on bigger projects... I really haven't had a great time lately....

 but all of this "pain" disapperared when some of you approached me and where litteraly shaking because of excitment or being all shy but eventually talked to me and told me how often they already jerked to my work or why they like me / my art... this was literally the best feeling I had in 4ever. I almost cryed at some points. So thanks so much to those of you who had the kindness to talk to me, gave me feedback and just being lovely. This totally made the con experiance worth it. 

Btw if the guy from Potsdam reads this, send me a pm ... totally forgot to ask you for your contact since I was so excited. XD

Hopefuly I will be abel to have more cool experiances like this in the future. My dream would be to travel to bigger cons in the US f.e. to meet more of you guys in person. I love you so much... and I mean it. You guys are phenomenal. Thanks for being with me. I hope I will be able to do art for you since the day I die. There isn't anything I would rather do.

So...Yesterday I took a day off and visited a friend in hospital. For the rest of the week I will finishing some artworks I started and haven't had the time to finish... After that I will need to make some plans in how I go on. There is still the LoZ Comic and some animations I have to finish... So I will make me a schedule again in order to plan things better. 

Let's stick together and have a lovely future, my sweet party people.

Thanks again for being with me.






I'm happy to hear you had a good time at the con. If it helps... I also jerk it to your art pretty often xD I have thought of stopping my pledge in the past, yes, but your art is just too good to pass up and this is coming from someone that isn't too much into hyper. There are a lot of things in porn that I love that I can see you understand in your art that other artists don't and you're just amazing when animating sex scenes, keep up the amazing work!


It was so great meeting you! When I saw the long queue outside the after dark dealers den, I felt really bummed out because I was afraid I couldn't even get in to say hello, let alone talk to you. But thankfully things worked out and I got to meet you! You're such a sweet guy and one of my favorite artists. So for me this was a dream come true. :3

Ket Ralus

Glad you had fun! =}


I hope you will see brighter times soon again, I certainly believe in it, because your work is amazing and if it helps, even just a little, it was probably the highlight of the con to talk with you and get to know you. Thank you again so much for sharing your time with me, it certainly made the entire con much better for me.


I'm glad you had fun! I'd have loved to go and see you again.