It's been a long time. I achieved a lot with the help of you guys. Especialy those of you who give me more then 5$ without anything in return additionaly. So I wanna give you something back with the help of Gumroad. I did a collection of my whole artwork from the past 5 years. I will go through all my patreons and those of you who supported me for a long time will receive a message from me. Reply to this message and I will send you a discount key for my Ultimate Artpack. Those Keys are limited and exclusive to you. This will take me a while since I have to go through the patron list manualy. Additionaly I will keep track of all those of you who are a big support. There will be an additional raffle to reward you even more. Stay tuned for that.
So I will start today collecting those data and will finish the process by tomorrow, if I can't make it tonight.
Thanks for your support, love, time and generousity!