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Thanks for being patient with me. Was so good to see my friends... We checked out the town, went dancing, cooked some burgers together and worked with some clay...

I must admit it's super hard and I was frustrated for at least two hours at the very begining of working with clay but after a while I got some nice bubbly cheeck smiling at me so I kept going and after 9 hours I finished my first clay sculpture...

Think it needs some sanding after it's completly dry... So what do you think?

Wanna see more of me sculpting in the future? I mean I could give it another go and if you like the result I could try to make a mold and cast those statues or didlos or such and sell em to ya.... Interested? leave a comment down below ;)

Huggles and hope you like it.







I love it


YES! 100% yes! If you made statues or dildos I’d buy them in a heart beat!!!!!!


Love it 😍


You are so talented! Is there any medium you can't work in?


I love it! And the idea of owning Riace bronze but with your signature proportions is cool!


So much love! thx for the feedback and it's funny we do have the same initials...at least when it comes to my real name hahahaha thx so much for the support and cheering


Uhm there are many I guess... but I try my best and try to gain knowledge about a lot of thing.... that makes me grow as an artist but especialy as a person. I am honored you think so!


right? well a bronze is a but expansive though but a copy made from resin or stuff is doable.... and I am sure there are ways to make it look like a bronze ^^ thanks so much ben!


I think having different options could be amazing too - working with a material to make a torso that looks human, orc, etc... different colour skin accents for penis, nipples... so AWESOME.


love the idea! would require a lot of planing and modeling but I like it. a tool kit for costumizing a fetish bust sounds hot