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Wanna wish you guys a happy orctober and thanks again for participating in the TBE Poll... I wanna ask you, what kind of sketch should I deliver.... You can give me your ideas but THEY (unfortunatly) HAVE TO BE SFW... at least for now ^^'' BUT it CAN BE NUDE!

So yeah gimme some scenes.... I give you an example

Cowboy Orc (or Glas), in a Bar, brawling , his clothes are torn

Monk Orc (or Glas), meditaing naked under a waterfall etc

So yeah show me some orc love and looking forward to your ideas <3

Thanks a bunch!

Love A_A



All of em are sooo lovely! I can't decide! AAAAaaaahhhhh I will sketch em all!


I say a stagelight performance of a naked orc with a chello. Sweat dripping from his brow and shinning as he plays not to an audiance, not cause it’s sexy, but cause he is laid bare and creating something that no one will hear through a photo, but they will see his hard work through his glossy form.