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Worked for 16 hours on this all day and night... Now I finaly can rest... hope there are no grammar or spelling mistakes... forgive me if you find some... Most of the dialog is made by 8fold... thank you for the great support and suggestion! Was great fun to work on this series... I added some pics since the last time so now we got 12 versions and hope you enjoy the mind break journey lil D. is going through ;) ENJOY <3

Thanks for your support!

Happy Holidays :3






Best part is when the Blacksmith took a piss in the poor little guy ^^


This is amazing, fantastic work as always! &lt;3


I am very glad you like it! So thanks to 8Fold for the request :D Thanks for the feedback, Ryan &lt;3


oh my god, thank you so much!!! this looks better than i could have ever imagined! i didn't expect you to add in another guy ahaha, take it easy though, okay? working 16 hours straight is not healthy....


OK so there is indeed a lot of massively hung nasty hotness here BUT also extra kudos for the purple-hue change to the background between iterations towards the end~

Jonathan Parker

so dick insta hard, then i get to the part with the hulking hairy human and my cock nearly flies off my body. seriously amazing. Please please keep up the great work


god these compilations are great! im so glad you're starting to explore more piss stuff man, its so hot!!