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Hey my sweet lil party people! So after a while of frustration about the refused mousepad desing I did before, I got back on my tablet and worked on a SFW Design you guys voted for back in the days...

I already got a reply from the retailer telling me this might work for the chinese factory he is collaborating with... so cross your fingers and this might be a thing in the future... don't know when and don't know how much but I will keep you updated...

I really hope you like it... hand drawn fur is the worst *dropsdead*



Paxton Roth

I managed to snag a cock mousepad from inked fur. But there were only 50 printed before the factory realized what was on it. It's sad to see quality LGBT porn pads can only be made by mistake. Yet I see enough tiddy and vag on those sites to make me sick


Still love it, bummer about the other one, might not "enjoy" this one as much as the first one Si vous parlez mon français 😉😘


Hey, I'd still buy it. Always love orc pits and nips!


your hard work is appreciated animas, thank you so much for all your effort *hugs*


it looks great!!! less questionable for me to have on my desk, without sacrificing that hot chest~


It's a shame I really like the original mouse pad concept :\