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Hey my sweet party people,

I will move tomorrow... Unfortunatly I won't have an Internet Connection from tomorrow the 16th until 27th of September... (Can't imagine a life without the web anymore O.O) As soon as I am done cleaning the old flat and haveing my work space set up at the new house I will go on working again... but please be patient until I can post things again...maybe I will be abel to go to friends meanwhile and use their connection to give you some updates...

As you can see I worked on the Pixel Animation further more meanwhile....

There is even more I already worked on but I haven't had the time to implement things in the animation yet... but here you have another WIP

As you can see...things get crowded ;) this also means it will take me some time to finish up this anim... For Orctober I will stop working on this one in order to work on Orc related content... 

also probably come back to the orctober animation I started last year...think it turned out pretty well so far and always wanted to work further more on it....but as life goes I got carried away with other things

NEWS BREAK: 3D Mousepad will be on sale in November hopefuly... the retailer I wanna work with is still working on a new website...but a supporter told me they will be launch the website late Oktober... SO I hope I will be abel to set up a store on the new site soon

NEWS BREAK: YCH Comic (Kimahri, Roadhog, Bogo, Glas) I know some of you are waiting for this project to continue... I officialy will stop working on this project... I figured out that comic work is nothing I found enjoyabel... I am suffering a lot while working on comics... it seems to have no end for me... and this is why I can't motivate myself to work on huge projects like the 20 pages of the YCH comic. In the future I will focus on animations, char concept, commissions and requests... If I will do comics they will be short storys... one pager... or probably around 1-5 pages max. I am very sorry to disapoint those who waited for that comic all the time...Please...I hope you understand my situation.

Thank you all for your patience and support! I will send you new content as soon as possible! Thanks for your time and for reading this post. Now I have to continue pack things.... this will be a short night... still a bunch to do.

Hope to read you soon and looking forward to all your ideas for the char concepts and requests! 






Take your time and we'll be excited to see you back online posting again. Good luck on the move!


Hoping the move will go smoothly for ya! What's the situation on the Glas Exposed animation project?


Thanks a bunch Demicross. I will come back to it in November I think....and then hopefuly my collaboration partner is up to implement things in time... I think it will be finished until Christmas.


Thanks a bunch Jesse. and sorry again for keep you guys waiting for content so long. Thx for being with me...even the time I can't barely work for you... Thanks for the awesome support


nah that's alright, keep us up to date on the move!!! i'm really excited for you :D


Hope the move goes well.


Thanks a bunch 8....I am super excited as well....finaly some place to call a home :D


I hope Beast gets close to the main group


Thank you for keeping us updated, gonna miss ya for the period you're gone and eagerly will look forward to your return~ take it easy sweetie and I'm looking forward to seeing you back safe n sound <3


...much curiosity over that venom in the background~


That beast and venom in the background looks lovely!


Beast in the background <3 see him fucked.