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Nah, yellow title is fine. Maul and Savage didn’t kill anyone of relevance and no Jedi were involved. Also, I think the red title card is far a massive change in the storyline. This is just a continuation of what was already going on. Deathwatch and the Brothers team up was George’s idea. Also, I think someone here mentioned it before, but I’ll just repeat it - The Black Sun crime family were located on Mustafar.

Darth Nihilus

Damn I missed these reactions so much lol


Plot of this episode moves SO DAMN FAST! So much happens. They went to like 5 planets in 1 episode. Plus the digital cinematography is gorgeous. Looking back at Bo, I can't help but relate at being associated with some scummy motherfuckers in my late teens/early 20s. We all grow while discovering who we really are. As far as Paz goes, from what I've heard, he's a younger cousin of Pre Visla, not quite a son or grandson.


Drew told me on Twitch last night they had 7 episodes of Clone Wars recorded and since I was a "Clone Wars Guy", I'd be really happy but I want to clarify I'm a "StruggleNation Guy" first and foremost. I love ALL the reacts like ATLA, Reacher, etc... 2024 is going to be great for us because StruggleNation is kicking it up to a whole new level! Thanks guys.