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Jyn Jilly

Btw I'll stop with the long rants in the comments for upcoming episodes. Just to be clear, I was reacting in real time to the episodes since I've been watching with you guys so emotions were high haha I'm going to give it one more episode and if I don't like it, I'll drop it and just stick to the Reacher and Avatar Season 2 videos. I don't want to be a downer on here if others are enjoying it

Mehdi R.

Did yall know Mark Hamill did the voice of the Firelord in the animated series?


I get why some may have liked the OG Suki, but she was kind of annoyingly flawless. The only thing resembling a flaw with her was her occasional losses in fights. That and I always thought it was weird that they were treating Kyoshi Island like a Japanese Themyscira (Wonder Woman's home) in a weird police state. Live-Suki & Kyoshi Island have realistic family ties and emphasizes the island isolation. Plus, you wanna talk about CREEPY; the animation had Sokka immediately get really attracted to someone that beat him up and had her enjoy doing it repeatedly. (In front of her peers no less.) Yikes. I have been greatly enjoying the way the live-action writers have been respecting the characters more than the OG's did. They've been essentially making everyone just a little more mature to the point they aren't putting each other down in immature or kind of cruel ways. In short, I appreciate the fact that the live-action writers are giving the characters more sensible personalities while still keeping most of their main flaws.