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Jyn Jilly

Listen, I'm not trying to shoot down the avatar netflix LA before it comes out.. but some of what the showrunners are saying lately makes me think it's not worth checking out. Also years ago the original creators of Avatar left the Netflix live action project due to "creative differences"... that's huge red flag for me. That's exactly what happened with M Night Shamalan Last Airbender film. The Avatar creators said M Night didn't want to listen to any of their ideas and it was frustrating. This sounds like history repeating itself.


I think there was more techniques on the scroll than just that one they learnt.


The creators left Netflix because Netflix wanted to make it more faithful, whereas the original creators wanted to make differences and change things up that they originally wanted to include in the animation. And lets be real, the only major difference that has been speculated is making Sokka's character less sexist. They didn't even say he wouldn't be sexist, simply less sexist. It would be a bit dramatic to think the show would be a failure as a result (not saying you said that but regardless -), he literally stopped being overly sexist after season 1 episode 4 when he met Suki. His worse comments were in that one episode "girls are better at sewing, boys are better at fighting, you didn't beat us youre girls, where are the men that ambushed us, i'll go soft on you since you're a girl, im the strongest warrior in my village" etc etc. like that episode was the worst of it. The show will be fine..