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Nice. I wasn't expecting you guys to post this the day after I asked about it. I agree the fight with Eren was a bit underwhelming. Look forward to seeing you guys reaction to AOT Requiem. Thanks.


My biggest problem with the ending was Levi's ending. All of his pathos as the strongest person alive who has to watch everyone else die was taken away from him. One of the many aspects that made Levi interesting was how unique he was. He suffers differently compared to everyone else. He almost always makes it out of a battle alive and well physically. He was never hurt permanently. People lost limbs, eyes, and lives but Levi always survived and carried the memories and the hopes and dreams of comrades and he was trusted to do that because he's the strongest. He's kind of a hopeful figure compared to everyone else but he's also one of the saddest characters. He should never have been injured or scarred. It kind of ruined the series for me. Him being in full health would not really have affected the finale. And if it did, just make his injuries temporary like after he fought Annie. Those scars and injuries are antithetical to his character. Plus any good scene he had like with Hange or his last salute is ruined by the context of his injuries and by the fact that paradis is weak and ripe for the taking by the rest of the world who would be angry with them. Marley respected the Tybur family and hated eldians. They could apply the same logic to the alliance and the way Isayama established the world to be cartoonishly evil towards eldians makes everything so contrived. The reality is eren made everything worse and there is a good chance a lot of the main characters would likely be dead in a couple years due to the state of the world. Also, all Levi talks about is killing Zeke and while that's important, aside from a few moments that's all his character is essentially reduced to which is frustrating.

Mehdi R.

I thought it was a good ending. I think any ending that doesn’t involve Erin dying would be a cop out and would be plot armour. The show has always been one that is dark and depressing and there are not many happy endings for most of the characters. People are upset because they didn’t end it exactly as they wanted and that is no reason to hate a show. Take it for what it is.. a commentary on the state of humanity and the endless cycle of war and the struggle of morality and ethics in war.