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Lorenzo Baxter

Ventress isn't as angry and aggressive anymore cause she's not a Sith. Thats why she didn't just randomly kill every ninja left and right. The Sith use their anger to fuel the Dark Side, making them feral and beastly when they fight. She has left behind the Sith teachings. She still uses the Dark Side, but she is much more disciplined and controlled, only killing when neccesary. I like that Ventress us getting a second chance. She was backstabbed by her master in events she couldn't even fathom, and now she's just trying to survive, alone and without family. Now she actually has a chance to just live her life, her way. Super hyped for the next two episodes! You guys are truly not ready for what's to come! 🙌


I'm happy that Ventress got some type of a redemption. Shout out to Katie Lucas for these last two Ventress episodes.