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Avery Smiley

Y’all have GOT to watch Tales of the Jedi sometime after finishing this show. If you wanted, you could even watch the first four episode before you finish Clone Wars. It will completely change how you look at Dooku as a character, and you won’t be able to watch the show the same way after


They already said they were going to watch Tales of the Jedi at a later time. Let them finish watching this series first.

Sergeant Buzz

I agree 'Tales of the Jedi' would be an amazing watch, the first 4 episodes would give the lads additional context and an enjoyable viewing experience.

Greg Freeman

oh yeah, i came here to say the same thing. go watch Tales of the Jedi and get the Dooku back story. you're on the right track. your feelings serve you well!


Dooku is the shit. He's the greatest swordsman pretty much alive if not of ALL TIME (btw Christopher Lee was an expert swordsman IRL, look up HIS life. He's a legend). And I'll also say his Separatist movement is not only valid but CORRECT. At this stage in the history of this galaxy the Galactic Republic is so corrupt it needed to be challenged. Most senators are not like Padme. They're ruthless, selfish individuals who care little for any planet that's not their home world especially the planets with few resources and wealth. Sounds kind of familiar doesn't it? It's a perfect symbol of most of our own first world governments. Bloated and self-centered being run by greedy self-serving politicians. So yeah I agree with Dooku's stance it's just that his anger has clouded his reason and he's gone too far, too often. Also I've been saying it, Palpatine is an EXPERT manipulator and strategist. He's fooled the entire Jedi Council and the Senate. Disguised his immense Dark Side powers from all Jedi that see him on a nearly daily basis too. His machinations are on a decades long scale as well, not just simple little plots and schemes.


I remember when this arc came out, I was so disgusted. I was disgusted that everything I thought about Obi-Wan was RIGHT. A lot of people seem to like Obi-Wan until they realize the kind of damage he's actually DONE to the Skywalker's. This arc only highlighted his growing heartlessness. Anakin himself said he saw Obi-Wan as a father in Episode II. In Episode III, Obi-Wan only ever called him BROTHER. Let's not forget, in Episode VI, Obi-Wan manipulated Luke into thinking Anakin was dead just to prevent a 'conflict of interests' with Luke being Anakin's son. Honestly, the only two Jedi I've seen be overall great in their lives have been George Lucas' Luke Skywalker and one of the Jedi in Star Wars: Rebels. (Maybe even Cal Kestis and the redeemed Starkiller.)


Yessss they should definitely watch dookus episodes in tales of the Jedi !! They are caught up and would add extra context for things 🙏🏽