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Going to watch with you’ll when I get back home from work.

Lorenzo Baxter

There's some crazy comic shit I'm seeing coming. Loki becomes the God of Stories at some point in the comics. And he said he can rewrite the story. I think this is much more insidious than it seems. Remember, He Who Remains had an entire plan for Victor Timely. Maybe it wasn't that he becomes He Who Remains again, but think about this. Loki here, was basically recreating the TVA. Doing exactly what He Who Remains said in season 1. That Loki should run it. Loki is doing exactly what happened to them in the past when it was first created. He's taking these people from their times, to make the Time Variance Authority, to protect the Sacred Timeline. I'm telling you, He Who Remains is winning hard right now. This finale could really be insane if they go that route because that's what it feels like.