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Composite Creativity

Here’s a little fact for you guys and anyone else who didn’t make the connection: Maverick, the invisible RA student at the school, is the son of Translucent, the supe and member of the Seven with the exact same power set that Hughie killed in the first season of the original show. Much like his father, Maverick is also a pervert, as you heard him admit.




BTW the "proclivity" thing she meant was 100% that the tumor is causing his obsessive compulsive behavior manifested as a uncontrollable desire to do his "hole" thing. It's a common phenomenon with head injuries and brain tumors that people develop issues like that or eating inedible objects etc. Also the whole Rufus thing has me thinking he def didn't do what Cate said he did to her, that was just to sell her lie... AND the whole scene with Rufus and Marie in his room I mean it didn't look good BUT Rufus did legit seem surprised when Marie woke up and he said "this isn't what it looks like". Now of course he could've been lying but I think there's a good chance Cate pushed Rufus into that situation to plant the seed for the future lie. I'm probably over thinking it but Rufus does seem traumatized and when Andre confronts him in his dorm room he was also totally oblivious to Cate's claim. I think either Cate was puppeteering Rufus for awhile now as a cover story or Rufus IS a piece of shit for what he did to Marie but totally had nothing to do with the "blip". I'm strongly thinking Rufus may be totally just a pawn though.

Mitch Coob

Yea Mesmerize was the show Hailey Joel’s character (from The Boys) was in as a child star