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Little mini story arc with our favorite droid duo. 🙂

Lorenzo Baxter

It's cool yall liked this episode even though it's one of the least liked ones since it feels pretty filler-ish. The rest of season 4 is just non stop hitters and the next arc I am so hyped for you guys to see!


This was a cute story arc. I thought Plo-Koon would recognize R2, but I'm not sure if all the times he did missions with Anakin, R2 was there, and it could also be a case where all these astro mech droids look the same to some jedi. And you'll right 3PO would love to just chill at the crib with Padme, but he unfortunately gets called to do these missions because he's multilingual. I'm pretty sure a lot of people would be happy if it was just R2, but he speaks Binary and from my understanding, unfortunately, not a lot of people/aliens know it.