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IT'S OFFICIAL... Jar Jar is now Joe's FAVORITE Star Wars character!!! Expect to see him rockin' a Jar Jar t-shirt soon. 🤣

Lorenzo Baxter

I love that here we get a little hint from Dooku to Anakin about how the Sith control everything, and Anakin just probably brushed it off. But man, it's insane how Palpatine manipulated events so deeply, that he essentially won even before the war began. It's so sick seeing little hints and signs here and there even during the Clone Wars, before Palpatine makes his big play for seizing the Republic.


Someone should send him the Jar Jar Funko Pop. 😂


Palpatine's "Long Game" is incredible. Not to mention how his powers are so great he's able to disguise his Dark Side from all those Master Jedi in the Temple so near to him everyday. Dooku was right, the Republic WAS corrupt at it's core AND the Jedi Order were blinded by their arrogance, complacency and dogma. Dooku was just misguided and corrupted by the Dark Side or else he'd really be the hero of the story.

Elias Sibani

a cool fact is that Anakin and grievous first meet in ep 3 so they had anakin unconscious when they were traded so anakin couldnt see what grievous looked like


So by now we know that Anakin and Grevious didn't see each other face to face until ROTS, so I love seeing the creative ways the writers come up with for them not to meet. I really enjoyed this episode. Just like ARC Troopers I felt like they packed a lot into one episode. I almost wish this had been an arc compared to some of the other episodes in season 4. I love the fact that the Gungans took down Grevious. Here's an army that most people don't think anything of (maybe, except for Palpatine, because it's his home planet so he should be familiar with them, and he did want the Gungan's army help) capturing one of the slipperiest generals. We seen in actual history smaller powers taking down super power countries, so it wasn't something that was unbelievable. I love that we get to see the progression of Anakin vs. Dooku so it's just not him beating him in ROTS. This fight left Dooku breathing a bit hard. He wasn't expecting it take so long to take Anakin down.