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So in the previous episode when he was told to chose who to save, in the back of my head I always said it was going to be Ahoska over Obi-Wan, and I feel like this episode proved it. Don't get me wrong Anakin loves Obi-wan, but he just loves Ahsoka more. Even though I watched this episode a couple of times, I just realized it was Obi-Wan that caused the crash. He was the one that turned the wheel when he saw the tower. I thought Anakin was trying to avoid it and then spun out. Poor Obi-wan, he was out of his element. Anakin was not trying to hear anything he had to say. Then he went to the father for help and saw him get thrown down the stairs - probably his first time being around a dysfunctional family. Then when he thinks there's a way to beat the son, you got Anakin fighting demon Ahsoka. Man went through it. What I find interesting about Anakin is that his worst fear is realized, again. Death is finite. Ahsoka is dead, but he refuses to accept it and truly believes that something can be done to help her, and he's right. Yet Anakin will have a vision of the future, is told repeatedly the future is always changing, but believes visions to be finite. Maybe it's just me but I felt like Dark Ashoka's fighting was really clunky. She was swinging that light saber around like it was her first time holding it. She's a crisper fighter that that.


I will like to add that this is where I believe what @Wayleran was saying yesterday edges out what I was saying, especially when you look at the Son and Daughter's relationship. Their siblings and Daughter accepts Son for who he is. She tells us it's his nature, he can't help how he is. Even when Obi-wan tells her that Son has taken Ahsoka, she's like "He had his reason" and she actually doesn't believe that Son hurt the Father, until she confronted her himself.