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One more thing, I love that when it comes to discussing Anakin's personality you see the contrast between Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. Obi-wan see's Anakin's flaws as a negative, or something concerning, where as Ahsoka doesn't. She knows he has flaws, but she realizes that's just a part of his personality.

Jyn Jilly

It's awesome to hear Liam Neeson again but also really cool to hear the actress who played Anakin's mother return


And now you are starting to really see why us Clone Wars/Rebels fanatics love these shows so much. They are IMHO the richest source of Star Wars lore and worldbuilding in the entire catalog of material. Not to diminish the films and books etc... but these animated series encapsulate and expound upon the galaxy in such a beautiful way. And this is only just the beginning.