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Jesse S

Y’all should watch tales of the Jedi before the end of the clone wars, it shows Dooku origin story


Yea they should but only his episodes, ashoka episodes has spoilers for clone wars


Mauls pure hatred for Obi Wan kept him alive


Because of this show, maul goes from a cool looking mf who spoke one line in the movies to one of the best characters in Star Wars

Lorenzo Baxter

Don't forget, we've seen people survive wounds they definitely shouldn't have. Look at Anakin. He got burned alive and got all his limbs cut off when he became Vader. But his pure hatred of Obi Wan with the dark side kept him alive because he wanted revenge. The Dark side of the Force is hella broken with how powerful it can make people. Also you're about to see possibly the best arc of the show, and I can't wait for the reaction!


Palpatine saved Vader by using force drain to drain the life force from Padme and put it into Vader.

Lorenzo Baxter

Yeah I don't ever remember that being a thing, but hatred absolutely kept him alive until Palpatine got to him.

Composite Creativity

It’s not a thing. That’s just a wild fan theory that some people have claimed in a poor attempt to explain away Padme’s out of nowhere loss of the will to live.

Lorenzo Baxter

That's what I thought lol she died of a broken heart, it's not that hard to grasp 😅

Composite Creativity

The thing to understand about Star Wars fans is that they’ll make the most out there fan theories based on the most minuscule circumstantial shit and/or nonexistent “evidence”.

Darth Nihilus

In some cases, it is "out there," but in this case involving Padme, it really isn't. Palpatine literally told Anakin how his master could "save others from death". It is beneficial for Palpatine to kill Padme so that he severs any connection Vader had to his former self. She also died the same exact time he was put in the suit.

Paul V. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-02 04:52:29 If you're interested in learning about the choreography for the prequels I highly recommend looking up: "Prime of the Jedi Webisode" on Youtube. It's a featurette that came out for Episode I.
2023-09-02 02:16:53 If you're interested in learning about the choreography for the prequels I highly recommend looking up: "Star Wars Episode I: Fights Featurette" on Youtube.

If you're interested in learning about the choreography for the prequels I highly recommend looking up: "Star Wars Episode I: Fights Featurette" on Youtube.