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Jyn Jilly

Here we go!


LMFAOOO that opening title reading got me fcked up


Great eyes catching Aurra Sing Drew! That's a blink and miss it moment

Ricardo Pomalaza



Ah yea this is what I wanted to see!

Darth Nihilus

Another little hint that John Williams (the music composer for Star Wars) put in this episode is the music at the end of the episode, during the parade. If you listen carefully, the theme playing is an upbeat and speed-up version of Palpatine's theme. This shows that Palpatine had his first major victory when Anakin began training as a Jedi.


Fun Fact....Padme's main decoy was played by a young Keira Knightly


Finally finished this replay . Enjoyed it and the film again . Almost feel like I should watch clone wars too . About to start your AOTC video . Looking forward to an Ahsoka watch and where’s an Oppenheimer review ?

Michael Mayfield

Another great little Easter egg that's part of the movie is the Duel of The Fates song playing during the Darth Mual fight. It represents the fight between the Light and Dark sides of The Force but also because we know how Anakin turns out in the future you can see it as the crossroads in Anakin's destiny. If Qui Gon lived and trained Anakin then he would've stayed in the Light and brought balance to The Force but because Kenobi trained him instead everything played out how it did

Michael Mayfield

One thing I loved that was added was that during the little interlude where Qui Gon and Mual were behind the force fields waiting for them to go down you see Qui Gon start meditating and Mual start pacing back and forth. That's because in the Old Republic games you were able to meditate as a Jedi and use Force Heal and recover from fatigue and stuff like that. While the Sith would pace back and forth (because they don't know peace) and draw on the Dark Side and pretty much focus their negativity towards doing the same