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This episode had some great moments in it. First of all, we all know Anakin got his emotional attachments, but it was nice to see (again) that Ahsoka is just as attached. Yes, she wants to be in the battle fighting with Anakin, but the main reason she was feeling uneasy is because she really doesn't want to leave his side. I also, like that we got to see Padme and Ahsoka together. Ahsoka is the only female in her squad and she's usually surrounded by men, so it's nice to see her around some feminine energy for a change. I also really enjoyed the conversation they had on the plane. Padme was 14 when she was elected Queen and Ahsoka is also 14. Also, technically, Ahsoka isn't old enough to be a Padawan. It's because of the war and them really needing Jedis that the age was lowered and she became one which is why she has such an attitude in the movie when people questioned her age or calls her youngling and it's also why she's always trying to prove herself. So it was nice for her to get words of encouragement from someone who been in a similar position at a young age. In addition, Ahsoka was able to do with her visions what Anakin wasn't able to do. She remembered what Yoda told her about visions (the future is always changing) and was able to make the best decision.


Sorry for the essay.


Don't ever apologize for being excited and energetic about something you enjoy. :)