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Because of some life stuff that delayed recording for awhile, our Clone Wars schedule got screwed up. We intend to finish Clone Wars (we're officially at the halfway point as of today) AND Rebels before watching Ahsoka, so even if we're a bit late starting it we'd rather be fully caught up first.

After Ahsoka we still plan on watching Bad Batch Tales of the Jedi and Star Wars Visions but wanted to give everyone a heads up.



I'm so glad to hear you're deciding to postpone watching Ashoka until you've finished both Clone Wars AND Rebels. I think that's a great decision as both shows (especially REBELS tbh) are very important to experience before getting into the new show. Take all the time you need. Don't rush through just to appease fans. Take it at whatever pace you feel comfortable with and enjoy both shows. No need to watch Ashoka live on release. I'm just happy to be here with you all for the ride and don't care how long it takes.


Quick question bro, the new transformers rise of the beasts movie is on streaming and across the Spiderverse will be streaming next week. Idk if y’all have watched them and I know y’all busy with clone wars, but I think those two films would make for great reactions!


Sick! Y’all will enjoy em guaranteed! and I’ll be here when it drops 💯