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Slight oversight here. It's not 133 episodes, it's 134 episodes. Even just going by your compendium on Google docs. So, the halfway point is 67, not 66.5, so the end of episode 67, not middle of episode 67.


It’s numbered on the Stars Wars website, it’s 133. The movie doesn’t count towards the episode count.


Oh, nevermind, I forgot, that their compendium numbers the Clone Wars animation movie, that's why it shows 134.


So the 66th episode is the exact median episode, which is numbered as 67 in their compendium, because of the movie.


Jango supplied the "genetic material" (hehe) to the Kaminoans (Cloners) that they used to make clones who did have growth acceleration used on them so these young clones are essentially "newborns". They were accelerated to that age rapidly and then grow up from there and train. It really is fucked up. That being said, Jango had a stipulation when he agreed to be the genetic donor for the clones. He wanted one untampered exact clone of himself (a son so to speak) that didn't have any behavioral modifications to make him more subservient (which is also another messed up thing they did to clones, bred them to be perfect soldiers who follow orders) and also Boba didn't have any growth acceleration so him here at 12-13 years old is essentially one of the oldest clones but just grew up normally. So in short Boba was Jango clone-son that has a beef with Mace for beheading his father in Episode 2. Pretty cool stuff huh?