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yes and this type of attachments lead to the darkside, you are not suppose to have and close attachments emotions lead to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to the darkside. jedi are monks

Darth Nihilus

Depends on which Jedi you're talking about. The first generations of Jedi allowed attachments and even marriage. Nothing necessarily went wrong as a result. It's the subsequent generations closer to the High Republic Era that let their arrogance take over and forbade all natural attachments, which, as we know, ended up screwing more things over than it fixed.


And take that as a fact coming from an old school Sith like Darth Nihilus! :D But yeah I totally agree that it's that narrow-minded dogma that really helped bring on the downfall of the Jedi Order. Whether it was because of the arrogance and hubris of the High Republic era Jedi or the naivety and foolishness of the Galactic Republic era Jedi Order that we know so well.


Yea I know but they not gonna know all that stuff, we tapking about the current jedi order that they are now watching.