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Lorenzo Baxter

That's actually a fire idea to check out the prequels again. You can watch Phantom Menace and Attack of The Clones since that's all before this show happens, but you should save Revenge of The Sith for when you're near the end of the show. Because we all know what goes down, and as the events of the Clone Wars gets closer to that movie, it'll be better to watch it right when you finish the show. That way you can catch up with the older stuff and have a really emotional reaction when you get to the third movie after you've seen all the Clone Wars stuff.


When Joe said he'd like to re-watch the prequels because Darth Maul was in it.... As someone who is deeply invested in CW/Rebels/BB etc... I just smiled. And that's all I'll say.

Jyn Jilly

I didn't just smiled, I laughed a loud because it meant he doesn't remember how much Jar Jar is in the film lmao I can't wait for his reaction

Andre Avery

I watched the first season of the clone wars before i ever saw Revenge of the Sith and since the show got me invested in a lot of the background Jedi from the movies and seeing how they care for the clones in the show, it made seeing order 66 for the first time really heart breaking