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Ricardo Pomalaza

AHAHAHA "Listen, the first one had you on the edge of your seat, this one ... you fell off the seat, and just kept falling, all the way through the floor, through the earth, until you popped out in China, and then they smacked you in the face and you went back through the hole all fucked up." That was the funniest shit bro, lol, had me wheezing

Jyn Jilly

Genuine question: I know you guys tend to react to more blockbusters and pop culture stuff but would you ever consider doing like the occasion drama or classic film? In the same way that you did rewatches of films like The Fly and Fast films as a special type of reaction.


Once we get more time we definitely plan on filming reactions to a wider range of things. We already have a list of a ton of things we can't wait to tackle (classic films, animated films, and a lot of others)