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Ayman Joseph

The squad you called the Bad Batch aren't actually the Bad Batch, that's a whole different squad I wont go into. They are actually the Domino Squad.

Jyn Jilly

I'm with Joe with his crush on Ventress. More so her voice


struggle soldier was right lol, this is the same squad that was struggling a couple eps ago. They’re the domino squad and you’ll see em a lot in clone wars

Composite Creativity

As someone else here mentioned, that squad of rookie Clones are not the Bad Batch. They’re Domino Squad. The Bad Batch team won’t appear until season 7, as that was their debut before they got their spinoff. You guys have a little while to go before you get introduced to them.


Remember the two surviving soldiers fives and echo. They are really important in the future


The show referred to them as a bad batch which can be very confusing because this is before the concept was made into a show, the real bad batch is not until the last season, but if you pay real close attention you'll hear the names of domino squad through the whole show

Ana Greer

Remember the name Echo it will come back time and again!