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The Legend of Vox Machina 2x5 FULL Reaction

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The thing about D&D isn't JUST that it's random. It's really the fact that you're not just FOLLOWING the story but rather you are; at least partially, directing it as well. You have agency, this isn't like a video game where you have 2 or 3 choices that YOU would never make; or worse, the developer makes that choice for you (Looking at you Naughty Dog) On top of that, anything you EVER wished you could do in a video game you can do in D&D, and I do mean ANYTHING. For one, what was the last video game you guys played where you could; not only, threaten to flay someones skin off but actually follow through? D&D can do that. You just captured two of the BBEG henchmen and want to cut off one's head and send the other back to his boss with his friends head in a box? D&D can do that. There is so much more freedom of choice in D&D that video games are just incapable of. And the only limit on that freedom is how much the dice either love or hate you that session.