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Watch "She-Hulk 1x9 FINALE - Extended Reaction" on Streamable.


Ash Lee Can

From what I understand, She-Hulk used to fight with her writers in the comics too. She would even rip out pages of her own comics. I read someone saying she ripped out pages one time because some villain was about to start some shit and she didn't feel like dealing with it, so this whole big super meta 4th wall break is right up her alley lol... Of course you're gonna have those hating Incel-ligencia fans call it trash, even though a lot of them never picked up a comic in their lives, let alone a She-Hulk comic. I don't read Marvel/DC comics either (I will go back and start reading the She-Hulk comics now because I enjoyed this show that damn much), but at least I have the sense to read up on the character and even then, still have the sense to not act like I know what I'm talking about like a lot of these dingbats, because who the hell is okay being loud AND wrong lol...


I especially love how most of them are saying the exact same crap as the Incel-lignecia in the show and I do mean the EXACT SAME CRAP.