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Cobra Kai 4x5 FULL Reaction

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Man y’all are my favorite because I can relate to y’all (I’m black ) lol not saying that’s all that matters but y’all reactions are the most similar to mine lol I’m currently rewatching the whole series in sync with y’all..got a longtime supporter and subscriber in me 💯


Daniel experienced the worst of Cobra Kai twice, so you can't blame him that he still has resentment against Cobra Kai's. However they are both stubborn and are still thinking too much about the past. Johnny and Daniel, both can't see that their styles complement each other and offset each other's flaws. It's really frustrating. But Daniel is right on one thing. They have to stop thinking about revenge the whole time. It's never gonna end, if they hit back everytime Cobra Kai is doing something. Johnny and Sam have to understand that.


I don't understand your hate against Sam and your support for Tori. The only person who is responsible for her behaviour is Tori herself. She has some serious anger issues and should go to therapy. But I can see a redemption arc for her in this season. Sam shouldn't have done what she did at the birthday party, but Tori attacked her twice, trying to hurt her badly and that was not Sam's fault. Nothing Sam did, justifies violence. And it seems that everyone forgot about Miguel's part in the whole situation. He kissed Sam when she was drunk. He didn't reject her and told her that he's together with Tori. And he also interfered in the fight at school when Robby tried to stop it.