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LOKI 1x2 Patreon

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Maurice Suggs

So Lady Loki bombed the Sacred Timeline which created the Mulitverse. This episode aired yesterday 6/16. So The Marvel Multiverse was created on 6/16...like EARTH 616!!!! Well played MARVEL, WELL PLAYED!!!!


I agree with you, that he wanted to figure out what she wants and he also didn't want to hurt/kill the humans. And he followed her, because he wants to know what is going on and he knew that the TVA were probably going to delete him. The hunters had their sticks ready.


You didn't have to flex like that with that intro edit !


Yeah this will lead to Multiverse of madness definitly. Dopest marvel show upthere with Legion & Daredevil already. Great stuff


If anyone needs help syncing the reaction to the episode on Disney+ you can try out this browser extension that I developed: https://www.casper.live/ It is still a work-in-progress, but it works. My recommended "offset" for this reaction is 206.8.