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Watch "TFATWS 1X5 [UNCUT]" on Streamable.


jim lillis

What do you guys think of Sharon being the one who broke The Leaper out of prison and paying him double to do business with the Flagsmashers and Killing The Falcon?

Joseph Robinson

I love that this episode is actually named "Truth", the same name of the original story published about Isiah Bradley. THIS was probably MY favorite episode up until this point... most of the discourse and reveals hit pretty hard for me.

Mehdi R.

I feel you joe, not best one yet but it’s good for what it is


People thought that you were kinda okay with what Walker did, because you said, that you understand it and it is an eye for an eye. At least I did. Look, if Walker would have killed him in a fight, protecting his own life, no one would criticise him for that. Nico wasn't an innocent man, but the way Walker killed him is just wrong and is unjustifiable. Walker makes it so hard to completely understand him and to be on his side, because he says things, that you agree with and makes you feel with him, but then he acts the exact opposite way. I find it kind of terrifying that so many people say, they would do the same, if their friend or family member would have been killed in front of them. I really doubt that though. But I think we can all agree that Walker is a perfect example of how the government treats their soldiers. They train them to be perfect killer machines and don't give a f*ck about their mental health and how they deal with all the things they have to do in service for their country. They made the mistake by making Walker the new Captain America. Psychological tests would have shown that he's not healthy enough to take the mantle, to deal with the expectations and the pressure. But the government just looked for the best soldier instead of looking for the best man.


My favourite part of the episode was the bonding between Sam and Bucky and I think that there's a complete vibranium suit in the box, because Bucky saw, how vulnerable Sam is, when he fights against super soldiers. He doesn't want him to get hurt that easily. That's so heartwarming. They really care for each other. They call themselves colleagues, but they are already besties. I really really hope, that Marvel continues with this series. There's so much potential and the chemistry between Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie is just awesome. Btw, I really enjoy your reactions and your discussions, although I don't agree with you every time. Keep up the good work. 😊👍🏻