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cant wait to see u guys watch the last two episodes of cobra kai season 3 😂

Jyn Jilly

"The way they woop ass is different" - The best way to describe the Dora Malaje

Ricardo Pomalaza

"The way that motherfucker jumped out the window in honor of Lamar, you better jump out that window if I die." -- "I'm scared of heights." LOOOOOL


I don’t agree with him killing the guy in front of everyone tho


Sorry, but I can't believe that you're defending John Walker. First of all he doesn't understand the meaning of being Captain America. It's not the strength, it's not being a good soldier. It's all about the heart, about being a good man. John Walker made bad decisions right from the start. He has nether the temper nor the right attitude to deserve the shield. The government should have done a psychological test before they made him the new Captain America, because he clearly has some mental issues. Second of all you say that it was right to kill that guy because of his friends death? No, it wasn't, because by doing that he isn't better than the flagsmashers. Steve Rogers would have never done that. John Walker destroyed Caps legacy in a few seconds. Also it's his fault, that Lemar died. If he wouldn't have interrupted Sam's conversation with Karli, this would never happened. I'm not saying he was completely evil before that incident, but he definitely was an asshole. They way he treated Sam and Bucky, all the things he said between the lines, he wasn't being friendly or wanted to befriend them. He wanted to use them as source of information and as accessories for his image. He didn't even make the research, his homework by himself. All he did was tracking Sam and Bucky. That's how he got his information and found the flagsmashers. He has no respect for someone elses achievements or personal space. He calls Bucky "Bucky" as if they were friends although they don't know each other. He calls Sam wingman and Bucky an asset. He touched the wakandan warrior without hesitating. That's so disrespectful and brazen. This man is not Captain America and he never should get the mantle. And by the way, he wasn't pushed to do it. He could have rejected it.


I think the beauty with this episode and show so far is it display perfectly the grey areas of everybody, there is no such thing as vilain or super-heroes... everyboy has shades of evil and good. In the end though both Karly and Walker are in the same basket.


I don't think that they think he should be Cap, they just saw where he was coming from. This show's main theme has been the gray areas of both sides. Walker and the Flagsmashers are trying to do the right thing, but they both went too far. That doesn't mean what he did was "right." Without Lemar, I think Walker just doesn't care anymore. I'm curious to see if he will even want the mantle anymore, though it will likely be taken either way. Walker is a good guy, or at least tries to be, but he's not good enough to hold the mantle. I don't think I've seen one person nonjokingly say that Walker is better than Rogers. As for killing that guy in public, I think you can argue either way as horrible as it sounds. That man tried to get Walker killed minutes ago, but it seems Walker mainly did it out of vengeance. This mantle talk is confusing unless people are just pointing out what happens in the show. It so obvious that Walker was essentially set up to fail and show the audience why Sam needs to be Cap.


Falcon don’t need a advantage all he got is a flying suit ur giving new cap a cop out


A lot of moral gray most definitely; great episode great reaction. Consider for a moment that your arguments and energy for John Walker fit almost to a tee to the sympathetic arguments of his opponents the Flagsmashers' situation. With that said you didn't agree with Morgenthau blowing up the GRC location but did agree with John Walker's perspective on having to kill the Flagsmasher at the end. Neither side is wanting to listen to reason. Love the convo. Great writing on this show