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Hey StruggleNation, how's it going? 

Firstly, i have to apologise for the radio silence on the Patreon side, it's been a very up and down year what with VidCon, collaborating with DJaxs, featuring in a Marvel Avengers trailer and eventually us losing our home in December 2017 - its been an up and down struggle year.  

If you don't know what happened with us losing our house, check out the link which explains everything (note the GoFund me is now closed!)


Secondly, thank you SO much to every single one of you for all your support to us in 2017, we truly couldn't do this without you so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Now, we need to tell you that season TWO of StruggleNation is coming - and you are going to see so much more from us on Patreon, we are revamping our rewards and giving more back to you guys who support us so much. We are going to get back to doing reactions, movie reviews, streams and music!

Don't forget to check out our discord page at https://discord.gg/JFAs2dj

Hope everyone has a very happy holiday, and we will see you in January 2018 for the start of SEASON 2!

We struggle together, definately not forever

Peace.. MDogg 



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