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*(Spoiler-Free) A Super Long But Fun Comment About The Lore of This Arc* I'm so happy that you guys are having fun with this arc as much as I have in the past! Before this arc came out, no one really knew how people became Force Ghosts. Back in the day before the Prequels, you only had the OG trilogy, so when EU novels and comics started to become a thing, the EU authors wrote about the Force in their own fundamentally different way. Lucas has said before that the films and shows are his "sand box" while the EU is a whole other "sandbox". So, when everyone was latching onto the books after Return of The Jedi, people were never truly told the details about Force Ghosts. Even the concept of Midi-Chlorians was non-existent. People kind of wrote the Ghosts as an 'inheritance' for being Force-sensitive. Oh, you can Force Push? Congratulations, you get to be a Ghost when you die! 😂 BUT! In the Prequels, Lucas had the balls to actually talk about the lore of The Force. The Living Force, The Cosmic Force, and Midi-Chlorians were introduced to flesh out more details. Now, this episode describes the Living and Cosmic Force very well (describing it as a cycle of life and death), but unfortunately many people don't understand (or don't WANT to understand) Midi-Chlorians. Everyone was like, "Don't bring science into my mysteries! Religion and science don't mix!" And other stuff like that. When the reality is that Midi-Chlorians are both super scientific AND religious. (Plus, religion and science are not opposites despite what people think.) In religions, they are an example of what are called: incarnations. Put simply, it's when something made of energy (intangible) morphs into something physical (tangible). The changed thing is still the same thing but now with physical properties. The Midi-Chlorians are simply The Force made flesh in itty bitty amounts. A great example in myths would be where Aphrodite was sometimes considered the living embodiment of human lust. A concept given physical form. In this episode, the incarnations are the streams of glowing stuff that Yoda noticed when he first arrived on the planet. Also, this is why Qui-Gon was so caught off guard with Anakin in The Phantom Menace. The sheer ease of access that Anakin had to The Force through Midi-Chlorians shocked everybody. Of course, there are other implications to this, but I'll save that for when you guys come out with the season 6 finale! Until next time! 🫡