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One of the best clones ever. The truth was RIGHT THERE!


Fives died a hero. Even more tragic was how close he was to undercovering the truth and saving the entire galaxy. Again, just saying, the Jedi aren't shit! How they bungled the Ahsoka incident, the fact they failed to sense the enormous Sith Lord's plot which was happening right under their noses, and now getting finessed by the Chancellor and not insisting Fives was brought DIRECTLY to them first for interrogation. They are fools who have grown weak and complacent sitting in their (Ivory) Temple. The Sith threat never went away, it was just patiently waiting for the right time to strike and the Jedi felt they were infallible. RIP Fives.


That's originally what Shak-ti was going do with Tups until Nale Se got the Chancellor involved. Unfortunately, The Clones are property of the Republic, not the Jedi, and once the Chancellor is involved they have to follow his instruction. This was even mentioned by Tarkin last season. They also tried again to get to Fives without the Republic knowing when Mace said to investigate quietly, but at that point the Chancellor and his troops were already involved. I don't see how you're blaming the jedis for this incident.