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Randee Carreno

A great way to start off a Monday morning. 😊 Welcome to another one of my top favorite story-arcs of the whole series. Getting closer to the end of this series(along with one more prequel movie) on your journey towards "Ahsoka".


This arc solidified Ashoka as my favorite Star Wars character.

Jon Jingle

So its weird but palpatine trained maul but kinda half trained dooku cause dooku was a jedi master when he started working for him Also I think dooku is 20 years older than palpatine


He trained Maul and then Doouku but Doouku was also trained by Yoda as a Jedi. When Palpatine/Darth Sidious said "the first and only rule of the Sith is there can only be 2" he was referring to replaced with Dooku. The reason he knew Maul was deceiving him was because of Savage thats why he looked at Savage when he said that. Maul and Savage was already 2. Maul already had a Sith apprentice. This rule of 2 is that there is always a master and an apprentice. And eventually the apprentice kills the master and takes a new apprentice or tries and gets killed. Thats why Maul asserted his dominance with Savage by stepping on his face to make it clear who the master was and he seeked to replace Sidious because there can only be 2 sith a rule started by Darth Bane 1000 years before after the Sith ego led to infighting and he was the only surviving Sith. This rule was also mentioned in the Phantom Menance.

Jesse S

Can’t wait for the next episode