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  • TS_P1_02_HR1000.mp4
  • TS_P1_02_HR1000.webm
  • TS_P1_02_5000.webm
  • TS_P1_02_5000.mp4




I’m creating a Discord server, and I’m planning on releasing all future animations there instead of Patreon. It’ll be a public server, and you get access to paid content channels with Patreon subscription. I will make a post on Patreon when I release something, so you won't miss it. A lot of artists seem to do this succesfully.

This is mainly due to Patreon recently banning some folk. I don't wanna lose you all in case the banhammer heads my way.

If you are interested in moderating the server (and have experience), send me a private message! I have never even moderated a server, so we’ll see how it goes.


The upcoming animation is ~80 % done. 14 out of ~23 scenes are fully animated (excluding lipsync). This is roughly the stuff I still need to do:

  • 2-3 scenes from scratch
  • 2 scenes are vectorized, but still need rigging and animating
  • 4 scenes are rigged and somewhat animated but still suck
  • Voices and sound effects
  • Lipsync for ~12 scenes (this is gonna suck, because I've created separate rigs for each head, so I can't reuse lipsync easily)
  • Backgrounds for all scenes

I’ll try to get it all wrapped up during February. I realize this animation is taking the longest time ever, but bear with me and it’ll hopefully be worth it. I attached a little thigh sex peace offering.




Ah man I understand though. Do what you feel is right and all.

Desolate- Enigma

As long as I get to see fire content Idc


W post. A Discord is definitely appreciated and probably the move. More community interaction, more 'secure' content drops, could even do art streams if you wanted.


Love that were getting more twilight! Looking real good, can't wait!


I fucking HATE Discord. I just want to be able to get an email about a new animation and download it. Is that too much to ask? I'm so sick and tired of creators on Patreon doing this bullshit. I don't want to fucking talk to people. I don't want to have to sort through 100 different stupid Discord servers then find the right channel and maybe put in a stupid password just to be able to access content that I paid for. Just host the stuff on Mega.nz or whatever if you're scared of being banned or hell move to Subscribestar.adult or any other normal service.


Twilight the GOAT fr. Both Velvet and Sparkle 😎


I think an ideal content drop would be a Patreon post to notify people that the link, or the content itself, is in a labelled discord channel for backers. Then you can just mute the discord so you don't get those notifications as well.


Discord can definitely be nice, but would it be possible to still release your stuff on patreon?


You're assuming I want to sort through all the Discord bullshit in order to find the right channel and server. I don't. Creators should at least move to Subscribestar or other Patreon alternative that allows feral content for those that don't want to deal with Discord. Discord as a platform sucks ass. I'm sick and tired of scrolling through 100 different servers and having to hover over each one to find the one I'm looking for. Then you go to the server and have to go through all the different channels looking for the right one. Then some creators even have a stupid password you have to get by putting in some stupid code into the Discord channel, then you're redirected to a Google Drive link where you have to enter the password, which changes every goddamned month so you have to do this bullshit all over again constantly. It's fucking ridiculous. If you're so terrified of people pirating your content that you drive away your paying supporters then you're doing it wrong. People pirate not because they're cheap but because piracy offers a better experience. That's why piracy dropped to almost zero when Netflix came out, but piracy has surged since all the asshole networks want you to subscribe to 27 different streaming services now to get the content you want. Fuck that shit. Once creators start putting their content behind Discord and make you jump through a bunch of hoops to access the content, I unsubscribe. I'm not paying for a shitty experience.


Probably not, but I'll make a new patreon post notifying when I release something


Im at the moment member of 17 porn discords :X


@Y0LS, that's what I'm gonna do, I'll always put a new post on Patreon notifying when there's a new release. @DarkRyu, sorry to hear you don’t like Discord. Many of my subscribers prefer Discord artist servers over any other platform (I get asked for a server quite a lot). I’ve created a Subscribestar account some time ago, which I’ll probably start using on the side of Patreon soon as well. But there are several reasons why I don’t want to move from Patreon to other payment platforms: 1. I can’t just leave Patreon, as all of my subscribers are here, and some of them wouldn’t follow if I just moved on another platform. 2. Last I checked, Subscribestar takes double the fee for every subscriber compared to Patreon, which is bullshit. I already pay hundreds of €/$ to Patreon every month, and you probably understand why I wouldn’t like to pay twice that amount. So I can’t leave Patreon, but I could expand to other sites. This would divide the “community”, which is far from ideal. If I’m going to expand on Subscribestar or other similar service, it makes sense to create a Discord server to unify all the people subscribing from different sources. It helps communication, creating polls, not having to update multiple sites etc. Lastly, Discord isn’t a perfect platform, but it’s not as bad as you think it is. You don’t have to talk to anyone on Discord if you don’t want to. You don’t have to sort through 100 different servers if you don’t join a 100 of them in the first place or sort them in folders (takes a couple of seconds). I hope to make joining the server as easy as possible. Patreon should have an integrated system to give people roles on discord to access paid channels. I hope this works well and doesn’t require manual entering of passwords or other crap.


Other artists do it aswell exactly because of Patreon banning about and it works fine actually. Could just make a post at patreon that a new animation is up, like that everyone gets informed and then say have like an "archive" room in discord where you have a link for everyone available that leads to say...dropbox or whatever you fancy where people then can access your art whenever it gets updated/uploaded by you in there. Clopician for example is doing it for ages like that and it works just fine. And for all the people complaining "I dont want to talk to other people or scroll through 10000 messages to get to an animation" Dont have to. Just mute the channel, leave "Archive" unmuted and with just Haltie able to post in there its a clean simple thing. Just need to click the latest link and there ya go, ya get your art and animations. ;) So yeah, I approve of it, its a good choice. Oh the teasers are great btw! Keep up the good work! :D

Juby Skylines

I think a discord would be so fun AA I would love to join your discord 😭✨


Discord would be kick-ass, I could consolidate my coom material even more.


I follow you everywhere and look forward to february :3


I'm so hyped for this animation! But don't rush, I want it to be perfect!


Discord also does its own subscription service. I'm not sure how it compares to Patreon re: artist payouts, but I've been subscribing to one person's work there for about a year now.


As a regular Discord user I wouldn't really feel comfortable having a porn server alongside the ones with my friends (since I can open Discord in public places/when there are people around). ) Also, as some have pointed out, you can mute the channels if you're not interested in chatting, but it's still annoying to have an extra server that I'm only going to use for new releases. :/


If you feel like that's what you gotta do, then I'll have to dust off the 'ol Discord account. :) Although, by coincidence the moment I saw this update, I was also watching a news article about how Discord is struggling to be profitable and is laying people off (which is believable if you look at the current landscape). So here's hoping it doesn't turn into another dead go-to for porn like Tumblr did. As for the sample... unfff... you're making it REALLY hard to stay patient my dude! XD I see the stallion behind Twi is white, so a part of me is hoping its Shining Armor for some wincest... probably not, but a man can dream, dammit! XD

Faraday Cage

Any news on the Discord server? Have you stopped making videos? Please give us some form of update.


it's over


This one is still in the works I’m guessing? No rush of course


Is there a discord server or no?