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I have gotten a load of great feedback, many of you really put effort into it (both in comments and the rating form thingy). Instead of answering each of them, I’ll make this general reply which everyone can see. Your feedback is valuable to me, and I will listen to it.

The consensus seems to be that the production value and quality are very good, and generally you are happy with it (sigh of relief).

The format of many separate scenes is a mixed bag, some like it, and some don’t. Many say focusing on specific character(s) with a touch of story mixed in worked better. I agree, and I’m returning to that format in the next larger animation. I’m still glad I did this, and it wasn’t a disaster. Gotta try new things every now and then.

Anyways, your favorite scene turned out to be Cream Heart and Button! (I won a bet against my partner, apparently we are all creepy sick fucks here). (Edit: Windy and RD tied for 1st place! Not sure why they were missing) Below are the mean scores of each scene:

I’m taking some time off in the first half of August but should still have something to show by the end of the month.



Absolutely loved the video, well worth the wait in my opinion. the longer video format was really nice also. shame I didn't see my boy Eclipse in there. unless he is and I didn't notice lol Overall 10/10 phenomenal job


Poor Cheerilee not making the cut with the rest. I really liked her naughty expression, but like with Twilight Velvet (ESPECIALLY with Twilight Velvet), I wished that there were follow-up scenes showing sexual progression. It was a good start to something more. I just voted, because I was a dummy and didn't notice the voting option before.


cream heart scene <3 it was missing twilight and shining xD

Some Ferret Weirdo

I'm surprised that the Tempest Shadow one wasn't a bit more popular. Some femdom is nice!


Holy hell, i'm really surprised, the scene with Pacific Glow is absolutely my favourite in the entire video. She fits the scene, ambience, music and tempo perfectly. I only joined now so i couldn't vote in time, but quite surprised of some votes outcome .. Also wanted to say that i absolutely loved the entire video, it's the first time someone is doing something like that, and it turned out to be wonderful and amazing. Probably took lot of work and hours behind that, so i wanted to say that you did an amazing job there, and want to thank you for this great content you're giving. Thank you


First off... weird tangent: Your new long animations are great, but for some reason that can't quite put my finger on, they don't give me that instant "WOW that's effing amazing!" factor that the Fluttershy and Sunny Starscout animations gave me back then. The only thing I can think of is that when I watched those two animations back-to-back back in the day, they really wow'd me with the template that you'd leaning into eventually (longer videos, voice acting, plot, synched with music etc.) and I guess I just put those two on a pedestal because of it. BUUUUUuuuutt... Each of your new animation very quickly grow on me after a few viewings and they eventually join that pedestal as well. So yeah, fantastic job with this one as always! Instant fav! :D Back to the question at hand: Unf, for me personally, it's got to be that Twilight Velvet with (what I assume is) Shining Armor. :P For reasons of A) Velvet it top tier MILF and B) 'Incest is Wincest'. But I'm glad to see Cream Heart / Button winning first place as well. (They were second place in my mind after Coco Pommel, Cheerilee and Dash/Windy) You've done a bit of Twilight Velvet in the past, so I guess some other MILFs can take the spotlight for a change. XD I'd have to agree with everybodies statements though, that while this animations is great, it felt just a little too... hmm.. how do I put it... "teasing" for potential full animations projects that'll probably never be. I get it, everybody has their favorite pairings and fetishes, so when you make an full 3 minutes animation that caters to it, it feels like a frikkin' masterpiece. But when it's not your favorite characters/fetishes it can feel good but... meh. Sadly, it's impossible to satisfy everybody 100%. I'll freely admit that short clip of Twilight Velvet is SUPER hot... but it eventually ends up just making me yearn for more and it's over so quickly... (wonder how long it'll take before someone will go and split the individual clips and make dodgy 15 minutes loop edits of them XD) A few questions about future animations though: - Seeing as Button looks smaller than his mom and has no cutie mark, I assume he's still a colt in that scene. Ever thought about branching to younger characters like Spike or the CMC? It feels like you kinda flirted with the idea with that one Flurry Heart animation. :/ - Ever thought of trying out some non-pony shaped species in the future, like griffons, dragons and most of the student 6 for example? (Yona needs more love in this fandom, dammit! :P) - Ever thought of giving some rule 63 characters a shot? From what I can tell, gender-swapped Shining Armor, Big Mac, Sombra, Discord and Spike seems very popular in the fandom. But to wrap it up, awesome work as always and I can't wait to see what you publish next. Enjoy your much needed break! :D


1st of all, thanks a lot, glad to head you like it! 1. Some ageplay is fine, and wincest is cool. But I’m not gonna do underage characters, I’m not into them and they are not worth the risk of getting banned (I could lose all my income if Patreon decided to ban me for example). 2 and 3: Maybe, though I’m not so into non-pony species/r63, so I’m probably not the right person to do them.


Sorry for the late reply, but this was a super cool project! A hot compilation of pony sex! Just wondering will you do one sometime that includes the princesses? :)