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  • SUNNY_PREVIEW_LOOP_1_10000.webm
  • SUNNY_PREVIEW_LOOP_1_10000.mp4



Hi everybody!


Iā€™ve been doing 12 hour days for a week to get the upcoming animation ready for release this month, but I canā€™t make it. 95 % of the necessary work is done though. Hereā€™s the stuff I still need to do:

  • Sound effects (Iā€™ll rush them in a day or so)
  • One scene needs much work still (maybe 1-2 days)
  • Some details/backgrounds/fluids/expressions (idk, a couple of days?)
  • Fixing errors I can only see in the final render (1 day I should hope, I have some problems with charactersā€™ eyes flashing and Iā€™m not sure why šŸ¤”)
  • Proper intro and outro if I have time. Not sure if they are necessary.
  • I need to draw fluffy hooves for ~25 ponies... šŸ˜ oh joy, can't wait for it.

To be honest, I could keep adding things and polish for another month, but  I fear people don't like waiting. I want to get this done as soon as possible, but I still want it to be good enough. So eh, a week or so, maybe?

If you have strong opinions about this, comment or send me a message.


  • I spent too much time on some unnecessary things, when I should have prioritized others. Even though I get paid for drawing horse porn, Iā€™m not a trained professional. Iā€™m still learning, and I apologize for screwing up the schedule.
  • This is the most complicated animation Iā€™ve ever done. I canā€™t see the exact number, but I Iā€™m well past 10 000 nodes (=~layers) at this point. That also makes Toon Boom more laggy that itā€™s ever been before. Even with only one scene enabled at a time, I get 10-30 second freezes every couple of minutes. Every time I select, edit or move pegs/colour palette, the software lags for a few seconds between any clicks or mouse movements. :D Iā€™m gonna upgrade my RAM from 16 to 32 GB soon and see if it makes a difference (it should, considering TB takes 12 GB of RAM now, and my RAM is 97% full when I have the scene opened).
  • Rendering time is ~20 hours. I can render previews at Ā¼ resolution which takes ~3 hours and helps a lot.
  • The head model still isnā€™t as good as Iā€™d like. Especially after seeing the movie Iā€™m starting to question how much I should redesign it.

PS. The movie was honestly better than I expected. Although I have to say it felt a bit rushed towards the end. I really hope the upcoming show keeps up the quality, and weā€™re in for something awesome.

PPS. Having cutie marks only on the right side makes them look like blank flanks and I hate it.




Np take your time, buddy.


Take your time, my guy. The more effort and care that goes into my arts, the better! Larger projects with little mini ones in between to bridge gaps sounds great to me. Either way, no rush. Just finish it to what you're happy with, I say.


Honestly if you think working on it another month will make the overall project immensely better, then I personally don't mind you taking another month to fully finish and polish it.

Mike Truttman

Take all the time you need, I'm not impatient lol.


I disagree with all of the above posters, rush it out the door tomorrow and then release the updated version as paid DLC. $9.99 for each of the 25 sets of fluffy hooves. But no seriously, you do excellent work you madman and a delay isn't going to make me alter my pledge. You always deliver and the update/preview is appreciated!


I can wait for perfection. A week or 2 isn't going to kill. Take your time


We have waited so far so we can wait a little longer. Take your time


Waiting a bit longer isn't going to hurt. If things are becoming laggy, why not do things in chunks. X amount of Frames to time where a Cut off can be done, exported into video, then the next part continued on with a fresher piece using a few bits from the previous before export to keep that lagginess of toon boom down, then using video editing to put the pieces together for the full amount like a puzzle. Just a suggestion as I'm not fully sure on how well it would work.


Take your time, it important that you are happy with the final product.


At some point the gains from extra work start to diminish, so got to find a good balance


I like the way you think. Fluffy hooves are cute after all, and itā€™s horrible some people enjoy them for free.


I try that sometimes, but I have some trouble with it. Timing things to the beat of music is harder if the project is spread over multiple files. Exporting clips and then connecting them would require a video editing software with very specific features. It would have to support frame rates with fractions (for example, this video is in 23.2 fps), custom resolutions, importing frames in .png or .jpg. I havenā€™t found a free one that does all of this yet. I think Adobe Premiere would do the job, but itā€™s quite expensive, and I avoid risking my computer with pirated software. My current solution is cut pasting scenes into another storage file, and cut paste them back when I need them. Itā€™s slow though. Disabling and disconnecting the scenes inside the main file when I donā€™t need them works to some extent. Too bad I then have to remember to reconnect and enable everything again later :) Might have to bite the bullet and just buy Premiereā€¦


Take your time, we can wait. also you may want to look into a nvme m.2 drive. They help speed up some editing problems.


I have one of those for C drive. It did speed up my computer a bit, but I suspect this is mostly about running out of ram.