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Minnesota is back for another classroom visit.



Jose Betancourt

“Good luck joining me under this blanket in a hotel”

James Patton

Weirdly strange imaging myself under a blanket in hotel with CPG grey


The new Utah flag is wonderful


I mean any of them are better than to SoB it currently is. so Progress?

April Pulvirenti

Just saw "Old Wavy." Wait, those waves are actually TWO LOONS! It gives me MC Escher vibes too. (PS, if Grey doesn't like landscapes, why did he love the red-rock-white-peaks-blue-sky from Utah?


Yeah, the vague Minnesota shape in Polaris Tricolor definitely immediately jumped out at me as a nice geometrification of the state shape. Nice 😊

Liam Pender

Polaris was my favourite, jumped out to me imidiatly and the shape on the left is like a quarter of the sort of cross shape 3 of the other flags had,


Polaris Tri-Color is the best of all those flags

L. Lee Butler

at first i was confused by the star pattern you called out as tribal, because traditional native american star quilts use the ratios of a sawtooth star. but then i realized it’s just that it’s set on point, like an ohio star. it’s one of the most common blocks in american quilting and has european design origins, but definitely has midwest native associations. (the quilt block that’s actually named “minnesota” is cool, but not a star and not great for a flag unless you’re going to do it all over.)


I saw another video covering this topic and I immediately picked the Polaris design.

David W (d20dave) (d_dave)

Don't really agree with your take on Old Wavy. I think it's really beautiful, evokes the landscape of the state, and if it IS two ducks... well, there's your loon that people wanted without it being over the top. I do wish they'd used a different shape for the star, but it's fine. It also looks good rotated unlike some of the others. That said, it's my second favorite and I don't disagree with your first choice. Polaris tricolor is still the best. Snowflake is also fine.


Okay, now we just need Roman to do an episode of 99Pi about the Minnesota flag redesign.


Flag news is the best news

Derek Hiemforth

I agree that Polaris Tricolor is the best, but I like Star-Rise better than Grey does. That said, any of these six would be VAST improvements over the current flag!

Nathan Swapp

I think Snowflake is my favorite but it is very "New Mexico." It feels like the designer was trying to mirror the Zia with a colder climate.


Ahem: Land of *Ten* Thousand Lakes. I forgive you. Old Wavy would look great on shirt or a mug, or as the background of the title card of a powerpoint deck. Tricolor definitely makes the best flag.


Apparently, the tribal design is called a "Sioux Star"


Hard disagree on Old Wavy. That design kicks ass.

Parker Bond

It's a plant person holding up a plant statue of Liberty style 🗽


As is I like Snowflake best, but you could reorder the stripes on the tricolor to be blue (sky) over white (snow) over green (earth) and I'd like that better.


Old Wavy is my favorite out of the bunch, I think that it symbolizes many things such as the north star (obviously) and maybe the fact that the Mississippi river starts in Minnesota (which is why it gets smaller) I also think the white may represent the Northern lights. Personally I think it is just very appealing and the curved edges work well with it.


Your irrational bias against smooth curves has warped your judgment, CGP. Old Wavy is clearly the best flag of the bunch -- best color scheme, eye catching, and NOT BORING. Blue on the bottom evoking a winding, rushing stream, and white on the top evoking wind-blown clouds and snow. Perfect for Minnesota. I agree that Snowflake is a good second choice. Polaris is just so.....dingy. I would like it better if the colors were brighter. Also Polaris is evocative of a lot of country flags I don't much care for. If you're going to go with that general layout, only Comoros' flag really appeals to me, so maybe add another horizontal stripe or two to Polaris and brighten up the color scheme and I could get on board with it.


Personally prefer snowflake, although I know tricolour is the standard, its nice to see a new design appear so my favourite has to be snowflake, could see either winning though


the dot or the shapes around the white dot on the "Snowflake" flag is/are not centered


I looked at these with my SO last night and Polaris absolutely jumped out at me as the best overall flag for the reasons Grey outlined. One other thing that jumped out at me: it has the best overall design elements to pull from - the star, the geometric shape, and the colors all can be remixed in various ways but still be recognizable (think Roman Mars on the Chicago flag).


Hi! Minnesotan here. Many of us Minnesotans are not happy with any of these finalists. Sadly, there were many wonderful candidates just missing the final list. None more beloved than the North Star Flag. It has been around since 1989, and it's been speculated for years that this flag would eventually become official. It was a massive shock to us when this flag was rejected by the committee.

Judah Chambers

i think the color combination on polaris is one of the best i’ve seen in a long time. the light blue and green is perfect

Brian M

Thanks for this Grey - fun little video. And I’m so proud of my home state for finally doing something (anything!) about that flag of ours.


Land of TEN THOUSAND lakes, Grey. /Minnesotan, ironically from the only county in MN without a single natural lake Your reasons for rejecting the loons are sound even if I'm sad about it. Snowflake for me, idk why. I just like it.


I do like polaris. though I feel like the colors could change a bit, maybe the blue around the star to be the same blue as the american flag


Liquid Crystal could be seen as a star, a menorah, and a crucifix without much effort


The "Snowflake" jumped out at me from the first look at all of them. I think that maybe the blue background is bothering you; it's effectively the same boring blue that permeates the US State set, as you have previously pointed out.

Stéphane Lemay

This was fun to watch, good idea to put it together!


I don't think that is corn. Pretty sure it is a Transformer holding a winged baby Transformer.


I like "Old Wavey". I think it would look really great in a breeze whipping back and forth. It's also very distinct from other state flags.


Curious if anyone knows why some of the lines in Liquid Crystal in the upper left corner are yellow instead of white? At first I thought it could be the 12 tribes Gray mentioned but there are only 11 of them


I’m a little sad the North Star Flag didn’t make it to the finals. That was my favorite of the bunch. Of these, though, Polaris and Rising are my favorites.


Polaris colors are just an approximation of the glorious colors present in the dog submission


11 yellow lines for the 11 tribal nations within Minnesota. 87 white lines for the 87 counties. What drives me crazy is the lines aren't spaced perfectly.


I my opinion, I think that the North Star flag was a pretty boring design, it could have been made a lot nicer by just changing the star to have more points, maybe make the colors a bit better, although I did see many flags that i liked better than these 6 in the competition


I do think the cutout on Polaris is intentional, and I'd like it more (as a Minnesotan) if it was asymmetric like the state silhouette: instead of the point in the middle, put the point at the lower 1/3 mark. Is that an unpopular opinion? If so sooorry in advance.


The council choosing isn't under an obligation to take the designs as-is, so the colors could be tweaked.


To be fair, Polaris looks like copied homework from Texas, but both are nice designs, so maybe rightfully so.


I submitted a couple flags to the contest. Kinda bummed they didn't make the finals

Katherine Aumer

Thank you for doing this video.


So Minnesota is switching their flag cause we are getting rid of the current seal, for obvious reasons, and out of the 5 for that competition even the judges all loved a single submission so that one will probably win for the new seal and can totally agree on it


Is the black portion of the Polaris Tricolor supposed to look like an M if the flag is hung vertically?


I also think Star-Rise got sold a little short here, but I was coming into this blinder than Grey did.


if you're ranking and there's a large number of things you're working with, merge sort is pretty easy to understand and to do with fairly limited notes, and much faster


And as CGP mentioned the waves look a bit like a stylized duck, or more accurately a loon!

Riemann Zeta-Jones

I'm not a Minnesotan and have no dog in this race but I was thinking the same thing. I think I'm craving some asymmetry there, both aesthetically and to more closely match the state's shape

PC Escobar

Here's another vote for Old Wavey. In the introductory grid with all flags visible side-by-side, to me it absolutely stands out as eye-catching and it's not even close. And if the others get a demerit for looking too corporate, Old Wavey gets a bonus point for being anti-corporate. I'm also a sucker for motion in art and Old Wavey *flows*. While also being a visual pun on loons and rivers. What's not to love about it?

Hans Cathcart

At 2:50 Grey shows all the star shapes on a blue background, and I thought “hum” that’s a distinctive flag! But, alas-ka’s already got dibs on “Stars on bedsheets”.

Laura Danielson

Two of these flags look like they were made with pattern blocks borrowed from a kindergarten classroom. I guess a good tool for first drafts, but maybe smooth it a bit before the final? Also I love that snowflake flag. I’m Minnesotan and I promise if that gets chosen I’m buying one and it is going on my wall.


Personally I think that Snowflake is the best as it 'feels' the most Minnesota to me (very scientific I know). The dark background seems to represent the midnight winter sky, the star in the center the north star, both of which present how north and cold Minnesota is, and whatever that tribal design is seems to fit and also looks like a snowflake, which is appropriate given how snowy the state is. Its also different enough from other flags to stand out (my issue with Polaris is, color aside, it looks like Every Other Flag and to a colorblind person it might not be easily identifiable). Of course, as someone *not* from Minnesota my vote is not particularly valid but eh.


Good video, thanks! I do sorta like Old Wavey. I thought of the white being representative of the Aurora Borealis, and the blue more the source of the Mississippi river. And as others have stated, could also be seen as stylized loons. Polaris Tricolor, I think white should be the center. Sky above, Snow (middle) on the land (green).


For “Liquid crystal” the green part kind of looks like a transformer robot (or maybe Iron Man?) with arms raised holding a torch


The shapes in Liquid Crystal reminds me of tangrams/pattern blocks from elementary school.


My ranking is almost the same. I'd bump Old Wavy up one spot but Polaris is absolutely the best, followed by Snowflake.

Kraken Artificer

Thanks for posting this here so I could watch it not on YouTube

Kraken Artificer

Old Wavey was my favorite. It stands out, it's easily differentiated; it's pleasing to look at; it's not too busy. I like it a lot


The different "star" patterns on a lot of these are heavily used in Scandinavian and Nordic designs too - wondering if Minnesota is giving a nod to the significant Swedish and German immigrant history (in addition to the native one).


Grey considering the Sioux star: “There may be something Sioux about it”


Can they put the snowflake star on the Polaris tricolor?


Thank you!! I was coming here to say it's totally a Norwegian Rose (rosette) or 8pt star - very traditional in Scandinavian design. I can't speak to its usage in native tribes that occupied Minnesota or the upper north though.


They are considering a mashup of sorts, according to news stories, so MAYBE!?!


My first thought on the liquid crystal one was "What is that cactus doing there?" I am not up on the Native tribes symbol depictions though.


Polaris has 4 non-contrasting cold colors which is bad idea in heraldry but okay in a modern flag. It's almost grim, very House Stark, which is good for Minnesota.


A committee pre-selection of the flags after a open submittal from the public is a good way to start. But what will the voting method be from here on? Surely first past the post won’t do :-)


Any of those 6 would be better than what they currently have..I like Old Wavy and the Tri-Stripe the best out of the bunch..

Artem Kreimer

Tricolor looks like the printer ran out of magenta and came out overcyaned.


Old wavy was definitely designed to invoke not just water/river, but also give reference to a loon/bird. I do like the design, but not necessarily as the flag


CGP's assumption about tri-colour being sky-land-water suggests the white "problem" could be eliminated by making the sky a light blue with a darker blue for the water at the bottom. The green land in between may stand out better serving the need for a flag to be recognizable however it is flying on a staff.


I'd rename "liquid crystal" to "Transformers Statue of Liberty"

Sean Munson

Ok, this is brilliant, and I hope it encourages you to trust your instincts and make more "spontaneous" videos. I know that you prefer to edit, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, revise, and then publish, and while it's given us some great content, this video shows how strong your instincts can be.


Hmmm. I really like Old Wavy, and my problem with both Snowflake and North Star is that if they fold in on themselves you lose the only item on the flag that you can see so they become only a background colour. My final vote, all things considered, would be for Polaris.

Jo Mason

I'm actually quite fond of Old Wavy myself, and Star Rise is also nice.... but neither me nor Grey have much input into what the state chooses, so we'll see.


Big Wavy is my favorite. all others pale in comparison.

Terry Steiner

I pretty much agreed with your ranking. My Minnesotan wife thinks old wavy is the best. MN also resigned the terrible seal. The new one they picked will have a loon on it.


Snowflake and Big Wavy were my two choices.

Scott Myers

Tricolor seems like the likeliest winner, to me. It seems like the thing that will move hearts. But I do quite enjoy Old Wavy. When Grey was saying "They killed all the loons" I laughed when he immediately showed a loon. Old Wavy is nice! But Tricolor is the probable winner, in my mind.


Definitely Polaris. Old Wavy is #2 for sure. BTW Grey, Minnesota has TEN thousand lakes. ;)


Shocked at Snowflake getting the axe! It's so gorgeous.


All of them have color problems. So drab! - Snowflake is it uses the same color palette as all the boring state flags — navy blue, white, and often gold. Bleh. Otherwise not bad. - Big star is pretty good, could use a color tweak but I like that it's not drab. - Liquid crystal was awkward and apparently the corn was meant to be trees. o_O - The star point on Star rise (I'm prolly getting these names wrong already) comes too close to the wavy line. - I appreciate Old Wavy's boldness and distinctiveness but I don't actually like it. A Minnesotan I know prefers it. - Polaris Tricolor has ugly colors but the state shape thing (which I hadn't noticed) is cool and it does look really good vertical.

Javier Sandoval

I preferred Snowflake just over Polaris, but this is a really solid point. I think it changed my mind, tbh. Both would be a massive improvement. I'm happy for Minnesota either way they choose


Heraldry is my special interest. It’s interesting that you brought it up while looking at Snowflake, because I detest it. Heraldic rules say that yellow and white should never be touching, because it doesn’t pop and it takes some time looking at it to differentiate. Most famous example of violating the Rule of Tincture is Monty Python’s Black Knight. What is the emblem (or charge) on his costume? It’s a boar’s head. Red on black, like white on yellow, does not provide enough contrast to make it instantly recognizable.

Oliver Dingwell

The colours on the Polaris Tricolour reminds me of the unofficial flag of Labrador in Canada: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Labrador