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Humans Need Not Apply

Discuss this video: http://www.reddit.com/r/CGPGrey/comments/2dfh5v/humans_need_not_apply/ http://www.CGPGrey.com/ https://twitter.com/cgpgrey ## Robots, Etc: Terex Port automation: http://www....



This is my favourite video of yours thus far! On the jobs list around 13:54, positions 3 and 17 seem to be the same, and there are a few other items on the list which seem to be subsets or synonyms of others. What's going on there?


I am very glad you came to patreon. Subbable would have been fine but for the mandatory google and amazon registrations. Thank you for making the internet (and the world in which it is embedded) better. You are a great person.


Very nice :>)yo


Thank you for Humans Need Not Apply.


Amazing video man, just killer. Thank you for putting in the time that something of this quality takes. I just pushed the per video patronage to 2k and am so glad I can contribute in some small way to something like this. Cheers!


If a horse can talk, then it can most certainly repair an automobile.


I am a additive manufacturing specialist and understand the influence of my work. The end of you video provides a drive for the development of methods for implementing applications for the human. The world we have is of a complex misunderstand of the energy within our hands. The future of humanity is in risk and feeling. We are not prepared and the 'shape of things to come' are influenced by the demands for mistakes. A bot will never attain the insight found from my human feeling, will bots change their methods in times of natural disaster? Humans will and will prevail.

The T.C.

Yeah I remember watching this a month ago. I just wonder if it'll go full Terminator, or if it'd be like the Jetsons... and billions die or something.


You say "Robots that can learn themselves"... all I think of is: -self aware -robots taking over world -fin for humans. On the other hand, I love your videos, and this is my favorite one! -Turtle person


when human need not apply, we will sit around and enjoy free stuff, this is not something scary


Thank you for Humans Need Not Apply.


Predictions of the future have often underestimated how fast millitary technology is moving and overestimated the need for personal flight (flying police, one-man flying transports, flying firemen etc) and also underestimated how important human-to-human interaction is, like hairdressers or teachers. I think this video also underestimates how important human-to-human interaction is and how - perhaps not hard - but undesirable, it is to automate this away.


I am really amazed how far we have evolved as a species to be able to obtain to this level of intelligence, and I can't wait for what's still to come in my life-time. Truly amazing stuff CGP Gray, cheers!


Thank you for This brilliant analysis...refreshing and brutally honest. the fact that Patreon is supporting the creation of videos like this just makes thrilled to be a part of it. Peace.


Something I have a hard time wrapping my head around is how will these corporations make money when they've put the majority of the population out of work? Who will be left to buy their products and services if the majority is jobless? Are these corporations slowly shooting themselves in the foot?


We will always want to do some work to deepen our human experience and to create unique things and experiences that machines cannot replicate. We can take can of the unemployment problem you describe by switching to a gjft economy. More on that when I launch my own creator page in a few days. 'Til then think about this: Why must we pay to live on the planet we're born on?


Great, I could use that "Shorty" in my "Time Machine Builders Series", the 72 Century A.D., 21 Thousand Years B.C. ! & 72 thousand World survival Systems. This is the Age of Software, the Time of the Programmer! If you want to undo the Bad in the Past & Create good throught Eternity. I got a Job for you & the bots, doing the future in the Past! I have a LOT to say, & it goes on Forever, Life becomes a scrypted Evolution, Retroactive. & Movie & Music Films Finance it's Creation Build! We are the Universe/World, We are Who We are, the Legacy of the Legends, of Eternal Time Everlasting Eternity!


It's so convenient to have all this new technology....but at the same time, it seems the job horizon will change drastically for everyone. And the most chilling thing is that those who cannot adapt to this rapidly-changing environment would be left behind...


Start working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make online so I decided to look into it. Well, it was all true and has totally changed my life. This is what I do,,,,,, >>>>>>>>>> w­w­w.p­a­y­f­l­a­m­e­.c­o­m


The powers that be has planned this for a while. They didn't built the Georgia Guidestones for nothing - <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones</a>


Very good! lets make a redux with some show packaging / Kinetic Typography. Interested in collaborating?


Reduce the work week will be necessary....and I for one am all for it. Its important for us to realize that this is going to happen, and we simply must start planning for more leisure, and a way to decouple survival from work that respects liberty as well.


There are large areas of the globe where this kind of automation doesn't apply yet. I believe we may also simply desire a different kind of societal structure in the future.... As for farming and food creation, isn't small scale local, organic and biodiversity of seed varieties far better than mass production? Anyone else seen the recent info about the dangers of RoundUp (herbicide) residues in our mass produced food? <a href="http://sustainablepulse.com/2013/04/18/new-study-links-roundup-to-diabetes-autism-infertility-and-cancer/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://sustainablepulse.com/2013/04/18/new-study-links-roundup-to-diabetes-autism-infertility-and-cancer/</a>#.VKXbfclyFuQ


Another quality, thought-provoking video - thank you. Good to see your work being so successful.


Fiz um video falando sobre a alienação religiosa da tv brasileira <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SoZVARqBdM&amp;feature=youtube_gdata_player" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SoZVARqBdM&amp;feature=youtube_gdata_player</a>


the dole queues are getting bigger


How informative


Really informational, great type of videos!


This means there will be space for the care industry to grow and thrive because robots can't love and neither can busy harrassed and sometimes sick people very well. If we're not killing outselves on our jobs, we can be better parents and happier people are kinder people.


Hey everyone it would be amazing if you can check out my Patreon and YouTube channel. I work a minimum wage job and making YouTube videos has always been one of my dreams. Hopefully if I can raise some money I will be able to make more and better videos to support my family. Please check out my channel if not donate. Thank you! :)


Nice YouTube videos! I'll try spreading your channel and I hope you will be able to support your family. :) Hopefully people will donate. The people on Patreon are awesome!


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QVBOPld10g" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QVBOPld10g</a> Subscribe


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/Thesegoman">https://www.patreon.com/Thesegoman</a>


So what do we do? <a href="https://www.thevenusproject.com/en/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.thevenusproject.com/en/</a>


Hey CGP Grey. Long time fan here with a friendly piece of advice. If you allow people to choose between more finely grained reward tiers, you're likely to get a higher monthly income from your Patreon. For me, $25 per video is a bit much considering I'm an unemployed, full time student and have other Patreon projects I support. I'm sure I could manage $5 though, perhaps even $10. But it'd be nice if I didn't have to go all the way to $25 for a reward. I'm sure there are quite a few who are in the same boat. Just a thought.


"&gt;<img src="x">


Perhaps this is the reason why I am having such a hard time securing employment! :)


This seems awesome and amazing.


Man, that's terrifying for Humans! We must think about it, because of a simple fact: the most part of population has nothing to do with these robots creation. How will they be fed? How will they be able to have important things to keep alive? Will the owners of this technology be so kind to take care of the people? All the way technology has been thought to free humans from hard work and to have better quality time with their families, but until now it has not been true. Will the economy be ruled by robots?


This video came just in time for my Tech and Human value philosophy class thank you.


Well done


<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eureqa" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eureqa</a>


Am I the only one who thinks it would be pretty cool to have a "humans need not apply" wallpaper? Basically the fiirst image in the video as a wallpaper image