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This is the live version to watch right away, and the edited version will be up in a day or two.


Tiff 1080 Live



Side note: The costumes in the 2020 Emma are stitch perfect to the period. You had to keep the Emma snip because it's an example of the Tiffany problem that started this journey. It's like a topical Easter egg.


@CGPGrey The movie version of Breakfast at Tiffany's is very different from the book.


It's always weird to me when creators go "we had to cut this bit because less is more". It's not. More is more - I've done the maths. The Emma bit was most certainly worth leaving in! I can understand why something would be cut if it's incomplete, or confusing, but other than that I say make them as long as they are with all the complete non-confounding bits included!


Where can we find the edited version?


Also why is it that I can't access this post for example even though I'm in a higher tier than $3? https://www.patreon.com/posts/1664467 :(

Gabriel Nichols

Because Pedantry is fun and the topic is interesting .. a quick note on the spinning (I recommend the work of Ruth Goodman and Bret Devereaux for accessible introductions BTW) 1313 would have been a bit early for a Parisian woman to have had a spinning wheel (much less a treadle powered one like you show) She would have more likely had a distaff and spindle. The distaff was in fact a staff that held the wool and the spindle was a weight that helped draw it out to thread. Distaff is a word for women because for most of European history just about every woman would have gone about carrying one so she could spin thread while she did all the other work that was required of her.