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In doing the final edits for the Decade Q&A I happened to come across a deleted scene for the Tesla road trip video I totally forgot about.  Enjoy!


Secret Town Deleted Scene



It’s probably a paper town.


Oh interesting. I didn't consider that.


I live in sacramento, and now I'm super curious


John Green's latest book "Secret Towns"


It's only an hour away from me... This is looking more and more plausible


Mountain bike into it?

Michael T

The signs for Secret Town remind me of the Signs in the UK for the Secret Nuclear Bunker.


Looks like just another small mining "town" that probably wasn't much more than a few shacks near a claim. Lots of similar logging "towns" where I grew up which, if there's anything left, is an overgrown dirt road leading to an overgrown field and a pile of broken glass and rusted cans that used to be the dump.


Great to see Bailey Blue again. She's quite the car!


What is the California equivalent of "I hear banjo music:"?


How I imagine this actually happened: Grey: *turns up at Secret Town with a camera* Secret Town residents: *get out their own camera, start filming Grey* Grey: … Secret Town residents, chanting: Run away, go far from here Say nothing of this place Or we will open up the web And show the world your face Grey: Deal. *dashes back to Bailey Blue*


I was concerned that this was going to turn into horror: "You are on the fastest available route:" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh09uIN6tl0


Says on Wikipedia that it used to be a gold mining town which got its peculiar name because miners didn't want the location of the gold getting out. Interesting stuff.


You know, there are face pics of Grey out in the wild. Or so I’ve heard...


But by looking for them you break the bound that make you a good Grey follower.


Google Maps does not show much more than what was on the video. Just a few houses in among the trees and some bare spots of land.


So it appears to be a placer mining operation; heavy elements like gold drop out where there is a decrease in a river's flow speed and energy, like just the down stream side of a waterfall or rapid. There are indications that flow speed was much higher in the past, so the Nevada side was higher or California was lower. Anyways here is the mine map: https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/mol/index.html It is estimated to be missing 40,000 mines in California (mostly small shafts). The abandoned mines are reclaimed either by filling or turning into bat habitats with entrances that keep out people.


Looks awesome!


Maybe it's a fake town? people who create maps put fake towns on the map so when people copy it they can prove they really did copy it because they copied a town the doesn't exist (Great Video on This - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeiATy-FfjI)


Not a paper town — Looks like it once was a gold mine. https://westernmininghistory.com/mine_detail/10189199/


This explains that detour on the real time "cab ride" video. I was curious as to why Grey turned off the highway to follow this road that seemly led to nowhere. I assumed it was just to take a break or that he took a wrong turn.