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The Lord of the Rings Mythology Explained (Part 1)

LOTR Wallpapers at Patreon:http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1385484 Grey talks about The Hobbit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gsWj8YTOyk#t=2455 Special Thanks: Professor Verlyn Flieger http://mythus.com/ http://askmiddlearth.tumblr.com/ Soliloquy: http://goo.gl/LQEakz @icel, @VivaLaDiva405, Rory Howington, Vijayalakshmi, Jason Arkin, Malthe Agger, rictic, Ian, Saki Comandao, Edward DeLany, Chris Kitching, PervertedThomas, Brian Peterson, Ron Bowes, Tómas Árni Jónasson, Michael Morden, Mikko, Derek Bonner, Derek Jackson, Iain Flockton, Jim, Sokhom Chhim, Shawn Bazin, Finn Kelly, Dan, Christine Dönszelmann, Orbit_Junkie, Eren Polat, Mark Elders, Lars-Göran, Veronica Peshterianu, Daniel Heeb, Juan Villagrana, Ernesto Jimenez, Paul Tomblin, Travis Wichert, Andrew Bailey, Israel Armando, Teddy, Ricardo, Yousef Hasan, Ruud Hermans, Keng, Alex Morales, Ryan E Manning, Linh, Erik Parasiuk, Rhys Parry, Arian Flores, Jennifer Richardson, Maarten van der Blij, Björn Morén, Jim, Eric Stangeland, Rustam Anvarov, Sam Kokin, Kevin Anderson, Gustavo Jimenez, Thomas Petersen, Kyle Bloom, Osric Lord-Williams, Myke Hurley, David, Ryan Nielsen, Esteban Santana Santana, Terry Steiner, Dag Viggo Lokøen, Tristan Watts-Willis, Ian N Riopel, John Rogers, Edward Adams, Ryan, Kevin, Nicolae Berbece, Alex Prescott, Leon, Alexander Kosenkov, Daniel Slater, Sunny Yin, Sigurður Snær Eiríksson, Maxime Zielony, Anders, ken mcfarlane, AUFFRAY Clement, Aaron Miller, Bill Wolf, Himesh Sheth, Thomas Weir, Caswal Parker, Brandon Callender, Joseph, Stephen Litt Belch, Sean Church, Pierre Perrott, Ilan, Mr.Z, Heemi Kutia, Timothy Moran, Peter Lomax, Quin Thames, darkmage0707077, Ørjan Sollie, Emil, Kelsey Wainwright, Richard Harrison, Robby Gottesman, Ali Moeeny, Lachlan Holmes, Jonas Maaløe, John Bevan, Dan Hiel, Callas, Elizabeth Keathley, John Lee, Tijmen van Dien, ShiroiYami, thomas van til, Drew Stephens, Owen Degen, Tobias Gies, Alex Schuldberg, Ryan Constantin, Jerry Lin, Rasmus Svensson, Bear, Lars, Jacob Ostling, Cody Fitzgerald, Guillaume PERRIN, John Waltmans, Solon Carter, Joel Wunderle, Rescla, GhostDivision, Andrew Proue, David Lombardo, Tor Henrik Lehne, David Palomares, Cas Eliëns, paul everitt, Karl Johan Stensland Dy, Freddi Hørlyck Artwork: http://kittyninjafish.deviantart.com/ Music: http://incompetech.com/



oh wow.. as mostly fantasy artist. I must say.. wow. I've done one or two Lord of the rings related... what.s the word.. fan art.


nice work


<a href="https://patreon.com/invite/bxqnx">https://patreon.com/invite/bxqnx</a> help?


Stunning! Thank you...


Awesome video!


Love it


The artwork is strong with this one!

Jesse Thompson

Woo! Silmarillion ftw! I hope he at least touches upon the fall of Númenor. That is one of my favorite epic narrative events in all of fiction. :O

Ian MacLean

All this talk about the third Hobbit movie ending the series and Peter Jackson retiring doesn't ring authentic to me. I haven't read the Silmarillion, but can imagine the pressure the studio will be under to crank up another trilogy, hire new writers, get Jackson back, satisfy the cravings of the New Zealand economy to make more movies, etc. Numenor sounds like a good candidate for a new trilogy.


I just finished reading the Simarilion and the Appendices of the Lord of the Rings and can attest to the accuracy and helpfulness of this summary video :). Thank you CGP Grey for doing such a great job! I look forward to more videos of LOTR subject matter.


Nice video. You've inspired me friend.


Observant and informative


Please fix the spelling of "Saruman."


Wonderful video. Thanks CGP Grey


Guys, that's awesome! Do you have those artworks of the Valar somewhere? Great job!


Showed this to my girlfriend and she has a whole new interest in LOTR! Thanks CGP Grey!


hey what do u think of nationalism?


I shared your Lord of the Rings project in my Google+ Patreon community. You're welcome to join too. <a href="http://bit.ly/gpatreon" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/gpatreon</a>


hi I Zagerais artist Illustrator I work artam girls and others you can hold on me patreon.com/zagerais I hope you like it :3.