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I cant draw and I should have this written down somewhere. This is quite a chunk of text lol

Iggy will be Kakyoin's dog

I'm thinking of making a prologue where Jotaro has his birthday/ rite of passage where he can go to the surface and he doesn't find it exciting.

Polnareff and Avdol go to the surface a lot and steal things from humans and mainly sunken ships.

Jotaro is being followed by a bunch of girls again so he swims out.
Polnareff and Avdol hang out with him and they go exploring or something that day.

That night Jotaro is sneaking back home so no one will talk to him. But he hears some commotion up top the water.

When he goes up, it's a ship celebrating a Prince's birthday/coming back home from a trip.

Jotaro decides to fuck around because the ship is loud. But when he snoops to the side of the ship, he sees kakyoin staring out to the ocean.

Kakyoin gets called back to the party and gets asked to dance. Jotaro climbs up the ship and watches and stays hidden. He watches Kakyoin dance a little and reject offers.

Kakyoin either talks out loud or is speaking to someone and Jotaro overhears. Kakyoin had just visited another royal family because he is to be married. However Kakyoin doesn't really know if he likes the person. They never actually met since the prince/princess was studying abroad. But the family seems nice so far.

Kakyoin says that he might not even marry that person but is worried about dissapointing his parents. He doesn't know what to do and he honestly just wishes he could fall in love and marry from his heart like everyone else does.

Jotaro leaves the side of the ship but a storm rolls over. The party is dispursed quickly and the storm gets worse. (Possible DIO handling?)
The ship hits something with a large CRUNCH. The wind also pushes the ship around. Boat gets hit by lightning.
Kakyoin is helping everyone he can get off the ship and into life boats. He hands Iggy to a person and he life boat leaves. Last check for people.

Kakyoin is the last to leave, the fire hits the gunpowder/whatever. Kakyoin gets blasted off the ship and into the water. Seeing this, Jotaro goes saves him.

Jotaro brings Kakyoin to the shore and is like "omg is he dead? He also do be pretty"

Polnareff and Avdol come up too because Jotaro never came home and they were worried. Jotaro asks their help to check if the human is alive. Avdol checks his pulse and says he's okay.

Iggy is sniffing and finally comes around the corner. Everyone has to disperse.

Jotaro watches as a different human "finds" kakyoin and wakes him up.


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